December 26, 2015

10 Of The Most Common Lies Nigerian Parents Tell Their Children

Nigerian parents are very smart. They tell lies stories to get their children
on the obedience path or to look really good in their eyes. Children on the
other hand are inquisitive and gullible.
Perfect recipe right? Here are some of the common lies Nigerian parents
tell their children:
1. If you tell me the truth, I won’t touch you You tell them and then get the
beating of your life.
2. I will buy you a bicycle if you come first in cla$$ When you get that first
position they will remind you of everything they bought you since you were
3. Lend me money, I will give you back Any attempt to ask for the money
will lead to you hearing the story of your life. Again.
4. Bring me any problem, I will solve it for you. Give them a hard problem
to solve and they will give you different excuses or they will blame your
teacher for not teaching you well.
5. Don’t play with boys or you will get pregnant: This is so hilarious and
common. Most Nigerian parents tell their female children this lie to prevent
them from ‘danger’.
6. Tell the person at the door I am not at home: “My daddy said I should
tell you that he is not at home” usually gives away the lie to the visitor.
7. If you work hard, you will get a gift from ‘Father Christmas’ American
movies and this lie have made some Nigerian kids wait to receive gift at
their doorstep at Christmas but it never happens.
8. I have counted all the meat and one is missing Some mothers tell this
one to catch an unsuspecting ‘soup raider’.
9. When I was your age I always came first If every parent came first, who
came second?
10. When I was your age, I sponsored myself through school Which
school? Where is the certificate? But again wasn’t education free back in
the day?

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